How to launch a new product or service
Launching a new product or service isn't easy. You've probably invested a lot of time and money into creating it, and it would be a pity to waste all your work because of a poor launch. Here are a few tips that should help you avoid a disaster.
Clever companies will always try to solve pressing problems with their products and services. This means that you already have a buyer persona in mind, people who are eager to purchase your new creation. Therefore, the first step of the launching process is to determine the places where your ideal buyers hang out.
Connect to a selected group of individuals, tell them about your solution and see if they get excited or not. If your product is really good and yet you get a negative response, it may mean that you are searching for customers in the wrong place.
But let's assume that people are amazed when they hear about your new product. Sure, they may like your creation a lot, but are they willing to pay for it? It is essential to validate your product by determining if people are ready to purchase it or not.
To see if things work as expected, set up a landing page, and then run a paid ads campaign. Run your Google and Facebook ads and see if people click the flashy red "Buy Now" button on your landing page (or not). If they don't click it, either your product or its landing page have serious problems, so make the necessary tweaks.
Contact the industry influencers. Focus your efforts on bloggers who write articles for your ideal audience, rather than trying to contact everyone in the industry. By doing this you will ensure that your advertising efforts target the proper audience. Also, don't forget to communicate how your new idea is going to help people.
It's time to set up the buying process mechanism. Some people may be interested in purchasing your product or service right away, while others may need further incentives. Make sure that the buying journey system targets every potential client, no matter at what stage of the buying process he or she is.
Secure your online identity. You may be late to the party, but you must acquire a good domain name and matching social media accounts. If is taken, choose names such as, and so on. Once that you have gotten the domain, it's time to build a great looking website for it, as well as several landing pages. That's one of the things we're really good at, in case that you need help.
Now that you've got a strong online presence, it's time to create a demo of your product. The main goal of this step is to get qualified feedback before launching your new creation officially. By doing this, you should be able to avoid any unexpected surprises.
Don't forget to provide early adopter incentives. Give generous discounts for preorders, and try to attract as many people as possible as beta testers. No one expects a beta version of your product to be fully functional, so you will get the chance to fix problems and add useful features to it without getting your customers angry.
Once that your product is out of the beta stage, it's time to use all the available marketing channels. Always use social media to let the entire world know about your new product; most of the people who are already following your brand are interested in what you have to say, after all.