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web developmentInteractive Web Solutions

We provide professional web application development and website design services to our clients. All our sites use responsive website designs, being fully compatible with thousands of different mobile devices.

These are our best selling web services:

- Website design and development;

- Website redesign;

- Intranet development;

- E-commerce sites.

mobile app developmentMobile Applications Development

We create complex mobile applications that utilize very few CPU and memory resources in comparison with the apps that are designed by our competitors. We can also use HTML5 to build cross-platform applications that work great on any mobile device.

Our specialties include:

- Mobile app design & development;

- Custom smartphone and tablet app coding;

- Android and iOS applications;

- Cross-platform applications;

- NEW!!! BlackBerry app development.

social media managementSocial Media Marketing

Use our social media marketing services to increase business profits!

We guarantee a constantly growing number of targeted fans and followers, thus ensuring that your company is recognized as an authority in its industry.

We guarantee an increased engagement with your social media posts. It has been demonstrated that people who engage with your company are much more likely to purchase its products and services.

We guarantee that due to our efforts, your website will receive more qualified visitors.

software developmentSoftware Development Solutions

Discover our full-cycle software development services! We have worked with many start-ups, as well as with several big corporations. We create modern applications that utilize lightning-fast programming languages.

We've got a lot of experience in various industries, and we can take care of simple or complex projects. Our rates start at only $50/hour.

Use our services to reduce development costs and/or scale up your own coding resources.

Contact us for a risk-free, no-obligation quote.

network securityNetwork Security Services

We are a trusted provider of network security services.

Your company network includes one or more servers that store precious business data, including confidential client information. And yet, very few people know how to increase the security of their networks.

At SOS4UM, we take network security seriously. We audit your network, and then we determine and patch its vulnerabilities, which would allow a skilled cyber criminal to steal company data, and even shut down the entire network.

If you thought that an antivirus and a firewall are more than enough to stop hackers, it's time to talk to our specialists. The initial consultation is free, so you've got nothing to lose!

data backupData Backup Solutions

Companies are generating, and thus need to store, more and more data today. Additionally, many businesses face new storage-related challenges, such as backing up virtual servers.

Many people continue to bring their own devices at work, increasing the risk of malware infections. Modern viruses are now able to determine the operating system of the device that they're infecting over the web, and then choose the executable that will run on that particular smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer.

Discover our custom backup solutions, which will help keep your company data secure. We create custom hybrid systems, which will back up your data on-premises, off-premises and in the cloud.